Friday 6 March 2015

Poldark DVD Available for Pre-Order

Great news! The Poldark DVD is now available for pre-order.

The DVD costs £19.99 in the UK. and will be released on 11 May, 2015.  This version is Region 2 which means it may not be viewable outside of Europe.

The DVD will contain all eight episodes but episodes five to eight have not been classified as yet. A couple of weeks ago we announced that the first four episodes of Poldark had been classified by the British Board of Film Classification as 12 as they contain 'moderate violence, bloody injury, sex references'.  12 means it is suitable for those of 12 years and over. The approved running time for these first four episodes is 231 min 28 secs

You can pre-order Poldark dvd here

Poldark does not seem to be available for pre-order in the US as yet.


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